Welcome to the first unofficial Portuguese/English fan-site for the portuguese-american actress Daniela Ruah. She starred for 14 years in the worldwide famous CBS tv show NCIS: Los Angeles. We have no affiliation nor do we represent Daniela in any way. This is just a work of a fan. ENJOY!

DanielaRuahFans Celebrating 14 Years Online

O Instituto de Lusofonia que funciona em Paris no âmbito da Universidade da Sorbonne e dos Ministérios dos Negócios Estrangeiros e da Cultura Franceses, e que organiza a cerimónia “Gala dos Prémios Lusófonos”, atribuiu o prémio “Cinema” a Daniela Ruah, a actriz portuguesa mais internacional do momento.

A cerimónia de entrega dos prémios irá decorrer amanhã, 27 de Fevereiro, no Salon Ópera do Café de la Paix, em Paris.

Está previsto que Daniela esteja presente na cerimónia, por isso fiquem atentos ao site para mais novidades em breve! 😉


The Lusophony Institute, which operates in Paris within the framework of the University of the Sorbonne and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Culture, and is responsible for organizing the “Lusophony Awards Gala” ceremony, awarded the “Cinema” award to Daniela Ruah, the most international Portuguese actress of the moment.

The award ceremony will take place tomorrow, February 27, at the Salon Ópera of Café de la Paix, in Paris.

Daniela is scheduled to attend the ceremony, so stay tuned for more news soon! 😉


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