Welcome to the first unofficial Portuguese/English fan-site for the portuguese-american actress Daniela Ruah. She starred for 14 years in the worldwide famous CBS tv show NCIS: Los Angeles. We have no affiliation nor do we represent Daniela in any way. This is just a work of a fan. ENJOY!

DanielaRuahFans Celebrating 15 Years Online

Archive for the 'Advertising' Category

July 3, 2020   admin   Leave a Comment Advertising, Campaigns, Imprensa Portuguesa

A Academia Portuguesa de Cinema lançou uma campanha a apelar ao público para que regresse às salas de cinema e apoie a produção nacional, que vive um período difícil, face à paragem forçada do setor, devido à covid-19. O apelo está gravado num vídeo protagonizado por actores, realizadores, produtores e outros profissionais do sector. Entre […]

You voted—and a winner was crowned 🏆 Find out which Super Bowl commercial was named the all-time funniest at the video below. Click the image below to watch the full video. Source: CBS

Last Thursday, Daniela Ruah traveled to Atlanta to shoot the 2019 CBS special “Super Bowl Greatest Commercials” alongside Boomer Esiason, at the Mercedes Benz Stadium, home of this year´s “Super Bowl” great final. Take a look at the behind the scenes from the shoot in the gallery link (better quality photos coming soon). GALLERY LINK […]

During a Facebook Live today, Daniela Ruah presented her new partnership with FabFitFun, a beauty, wellness, fitness and fashion company, dedicated to raising money for women fighting breast cancer. Products offered for sale at www.fabfitfun.com are for sale only in the United States and Canada and all prices are quoted in U.S. dollars. Check all […]

Foi para o ar esta tarde uma nova entrevista com Daniela Ruah no “Fama Show”. Como embaixadora da marca, a actriz portuguesa esteve presente num showroom da DVINE. Saibam mais sobre esta marca de beleza 100% portuguesa, aqui: www.dvineskin.com