Welcome to the first unofficial Portuguese/English fan-site for the portuguese-american actress Daniela Ruah. She starred for 14 years in the worldwide famous CBS tv show NCIS: Los Angeles. We have no affiliation nor do we represent Daniela in any way. This is just a work of a fan. ENJOY!

DanielaRuahFans Celebrating 14 Years Online

August 11, 2016   admin   Leave a Comment daniela ruah, Events, Gallery, NCIS LA Cast

Daniela Ruah, Chris O´Donnell, LL Cool J, Miguel Ferrer, Barrett Foa and Renée Felice Smith were all in attendance last night at the annual CBS, The CW & Showtime Summer TCA Party, at the Pacific Design Center, in West Hollywood, California.
As per usual, Daniela looked absolutely stunning in a full white flower motive dress design, showcasing that bump like a BAWSE! =P

We have now updated the gallery with some MQ photos. Check all the photos at the gallery link below.
And we will soon update with HQ. So stay tuned for more pics and possibly videos! 🙂

Gallery Link

Home > Events, Parties & Appearances > 2016 > CBS, CW, Showtime Summer TCA Party – Arrivals – August 10th, 2016

August 10, 2016   admin   Leave a Comment Benefits, Campaigns, Site, Site News

É uma triste realidade…e cada vez mais nos apercebemos de que ela veio para ficar.
Todos os anos é o mesmo cenário que se repete. Tanto que até já há uma designação quase oficial para ela: a “época dos fogos”.

Mas se por um lado existe um lado negro por detrás deste cenário (os que enriquecem à custa dele), por outro também existe um lado de luz e de brilho, demonstrado também todos os anos pelo povo português.
Somos um povo solidário, todos o sabem. Mas é nestas alturas que essa solidariedade atinge novos patamares.

Saibam, abaixo, como podem ajudar os nossos bombeiros a combater os incêndios em Portugal Continental e na Madeira:

• Indo directamente ter com a corporação de bombeiros da vossa área de residência:
Quem quer ajudar os milhares de bombeiros que há dias se encontram no terreno a combater incêndios pelo país deve levar-lhes água, mantimentos e alimentos leves, como por exemplo barras energéticas que se podem a qualquer momento comer e repor as forças, ou, pelo menos, alguns níveis de açúcar.
As corporações de bombeiros estão, a nível nacional, a efectuar colectas de todo o tipo de bens essenciais e a enviar diariamente para as zonas mais afectadas.

• Campanha CÁRITAS:
A Cáritas Portuguesa lançou ontem uma campanha de angariação de fundos para ajudar a população afectada pelos incêndios da Madeira e do Norte do País, tendo aberto uma conta bancária para quem quiser contribuir: Conta solidária com o nome “Cáritas ajuda a Madeira” – 0035 0697 0059 7240130 28, da CGD.

• Campanha Solidária Funchal:

A Câmara Municipal do Funchal criou também uma conta solidária para apoiar as pessoas afetadas pelos vários incêndios que assolam a Madeira.

“Face à dramática situação provocada pelos incêndios de agosto de 2016 no concelho do Funchal, foi criada uma conta solidária para receber donativos que serão aplicados pelo município do Funchal no auxílio à população afetada”

Os donativos podem ser feitos através de uma conta aberta para o efeito no Banco Santander:

“Funchal Solidário – Incêndio de agosto-2016
N.º 0003 42777599020/IBAN: PT50 0018 0003 4277 7599 0201 0


• Angariação de fundos Livro “As Profissões de um Bombeiro”:

De 25 de julho a 31 de agosto ajude os nossos heróis e seja um também.

«As Profissões de um Bombeiro» é o nome do livro infantil lançado pelo Grupo Os Mosqueteiros, detentor em Portugal das insígnias Intermarché, Bricomarché e Roady. O livro resulta de uma parceria entre um dos maiores Grupos da distribuição nacional e a Liga dos Bombeiros Portugueses. O objectivo da campanha é sensibilizar e envolver os mais novos na causa dos bombeiros e em simultâneo angariar fundos para a compra de equipamentos de protecção individual de combate a incêndios florestais.

A mecânica da campanha é simples: de 25 de julho a 31 de agosto, ao comprarem pelo valor de 1,99€ um exemplar da história do Mateus, o herói deste livro, os portugueses vão estar a contribuir para a aquisição de equipamentos de proteção individual de combate a incêndios florestais para os Bombeiros portugueses. A história agora lançada estará à venda nas 306 lojas do Intermarché, Bricomarché ou Roady de norte a sul do país.

Fontes: JN, DN, Expresso, TVI24, LBP.pt, Mosqueteiros.pt, Bombeiros.pt

August 10, 2016   admin   4 Comments daniela ruah, Fit Pregnancy Magazine, Interviews, Magazines

NCIS: Los Angeles star Daniela Ruah, who’s expecting her second child this fall, reveals the similarities between playing a top crime-fighter and being a mom. Which of her roles is more badass? From what we can tell, it’s a toss-up!

If you’re among the 8.6 million NCIS: Los Angeles viewers who tune in every week, you may have noticed that special agent Kensi Blye has been spending a lot less time this season taking down bad guys with her bare hands and a lot more time surveying scenes from her car. That’s because Daniela Ruah, the 32-year-old actress who plays Blye, is pregnant with her second child, and the writers chose not to include her growing belly in the story line. “When I was pregnant with my son [River, 2], they sent my character to Afghanistan, where I wore a burka and a bulletproof vest,” she says, laughing. “Luckily, my belly doesn’t seem to get big until the very end.”

Though there’s no mention of her expecting on-screen, behind the scenes, her castmates couldn’t be more excited for her. “I have an amazing support system at work,” says Ruah, adding that most of her costars have kids of their own. Chris O’Donnell has five, LL Cool J has four, and Eric Olsen has one and another on the way too. What’s more, some costars actually are family. Ruah is married to Olsen’s older brother, David, a former U.S. Navy Seal and stuntman on the show, which means she works all day with both her husband and brother-in-law. For Ruah, that’s not the only way her on-screen life and real one merge. All that she’s learned from playing a toughie on TV for eight years has helped her through motherhood in unexpected ways. Ruah takes a break from shooting to share her most helpful lessons.

“Last October, I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks. Something like that hits you physically, emotionally, and psychologically, but my doctor said, ‘Even if you sat on my table the whole time, this still would’ve happened. You have to try again.’ So that’s what we did, and I got pregnant on our second try. Nature is a beautiful thing—it does what it needs to do when it needs to do it.”

Or, at least, apologize when you need to. “You know when you’re being an idiot and you just can’t bring yourself to stop? During my first trimester, I became my own evil twin. I was awful to my husband. I’d receive his nice gestures as a war attack. One day I said to him—get this!—‘It’s not your face. It’s just everything you say.’ I feel super sorry for what he went through. But by the time I entered my second trimester, I was feeling much less hormonal.”

“We work 12- to 14-hour days on set, and I’m used to it, but I was so super drowsy during the first trimester. It was like I was narcoleptic. Even if we had a 15-minute break for the crew to relight a scene, I’d lie down on a couch and go to sleep.”

“David wanted to tell me whether we were having a boy or a girl this time, since I got to surprise him last time. So I went for the blood test, and a week later, he told me the doctor still hadn’t called. Then, one day, I was trying to put River down for a nap, and I handed him to Dave and said, ‘You try.’ Next thing I know, Dave and River are standing in front of me wearing pink dresses and wigs. My first thought was, ‘Why aren’t you putting him down? Now he’s going to be too excited to nap!’ Then I realized that they were telling me we were having a girl. I just sat and started crying, and Dave hugged me. I’d always hoped to have one of each.”

“With River’s birth, nothing went according to plan. My water broke three weeks early, and after 12 hours of labor and Pitocin, I was in incredible pain and still only one-centimeter dilated. I wanted to try to do it without drugs, so the moment I requested an epidural, I was mad at myself. But as soon as I got it, I dilated to 10 centimeters in 90 minutes. It was awesome. This time, I’m going to try to go again without an epidural, but I won’t be mad at myself if I need one.”

“After River was born, I remember being in the bedroom by myself, overwhelmed because he wasn’t latching well, and I yelled, ‘Dave, I need help! Can you get in here?’ Suddenly my husband, my mom, and my in-laws were all in the doorway. I just melted into tears. It really does take a village.”

“I plan on breastfeeding like I did for River. On set, I fed him and pumped. One day, we were behind schedule, so I put a hoodie over my pump and went to rehearsal. There was that ‘wah-wah-wah’ sound, and everybody was like, ‘What is that?’ I said, ‘I’m pumping,’ and that was it. They were unfazed. You do what you have to do.”

“I like being pregnant—feeling the baby moving, acknowledging the miracle that we’re capable of producing a whole other being from scratch. I feel more like a woman than ever before. There’s just an all-around sensation of power.”


The photoshoot featuring Daniela Ruah for the magazine Fit Pregnancy has just been released and we have now added the photos to the gallery. Daniela looks absolutely glowing! 😀

Check all the photos at the gallery link below. We´ll soon update with HQ photos.

Gallery Link

Home > Magazine & Newspapers Scans > 2016 > Fit Pregnancy And Baby – September 2016
Home > Photoshoots > 2016 > Fit Pregnancy And Baby Magazine (September 2016) – By Martin Rusch

August 8, 2016   admin   Leave a Comment Ambassador, Daniela, daniela ruah, Interviews, Nonprofit

Daniela has just been announced as the new ambassador for Shopping for a Change, a nonprofit social enterprise committed to empowering indigenous artisans (predominantly women). Read the interview with the actress below.

Meet Daniela Ruah, Shopping for a Change Ambassador

You may know Daniela Ruah from her role as Agent Kensi Blye on the CBS hit series, NCIS Los Angeles. Here at Shopping for a Change, we also know her as a committed fair trade advocate, a wonderful mother, and as someone who brings laughter and meaning to any conversation. We are so proud to welcome Daniela into the SFAC family as our new ambassador.

We had a chance to get to know Daniela a bit more. Here are some highlights and favorite moments of our conversation.

Welcome Daniela, and thank you for your support.

Q: What projects are you currently working on?
Daniela Ruah – I will start working on season 8 of NCIS Los Angeles in the summer, 2016. I can’t believe how time flies! I’m also currently working on my own ‘non-acting’ project about which I will reveal more details in the future! Also, we are expecting a little girl in the fall, so family life will get busier. We are so excited!

Q: When you aren’t working on the set of NCIS Los Angeles and your exciting new projects, how do you like to spend your time?
DR – With my family, working out, doing projects around the house, reading, watching documentaries, cooking…

Q: Which individuals and/or celebrities have been the most influential for you?
DR – My parents have always heavily influenced me. They are both wonderful human beings who made every decision based on love, including giving me the freedom to pursue the things I love. And I now know how hard that can be because you love your kids so much you want to shield them from everything. But you can’t; there are things they have to learn for themselves and to me, it’s our job as parents to be a safe port for their return if they venture out too deep.
I’m not sure there is a particular celebrity that has been influential to me, though I do look up to many who use their powerful images to bring attention to important causes and issues in the world, such as Angelina Jolie, Sean Penn, Patricia Arquette, amongst many others.

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